Mevagissey Harbour Resilience Project
The trustees have now presented their detailed plans to Cornwall Council and the Environment Agency for the installation of rock armour to protect the North Pier. These plans have been well received and the designs have been incorporated into tender documents that have just been issued to a number of …
Installation of SeAlive Tiles
Mevagissey Harbour is delighted to report that it has just installed 60 SeAlive tiles in the harbour as part of its drive to improve its environmental credentials. These tiles are very new to the UK. They are hexagonal concrete tiles with 3D textured designs. They can be attached to flat, manmade …
Solar panels
Mevagissey Harbour is pleased to report that solar panels have now been installed in three locations around the harbour: West Quay fish processing plant, Aquarium and Harbour office. These installations are anticipated to reduce our electricity consumption by about 30% and are a major step towards our plans to achieve …
Island Beach Project
In Q1 2024 Mevagissey Harbour will commence on works to improve access onto IslandBeach. This area has been little used over the last few years due to the deterioration of theexisting steps, this improved access will involve the construction of a slipway startingat harbour surface height and running downwards along …
Thank You!
Mevagissey Harbour Trustees wish to thank: Heligan Gardens – Cindy Maddison (supply of plants) Tracey WilliamsRodderick PrynnSue JulyanElaine SmallTracey PrynnKirsty WakehamJosie, Kerensa, Elliott, and Izzy (planting team) For their Stirling efforts refreshing the Harbour planters.
In November 2022, MHT received a commissioned report (high level feasibility study) in respect of Mevagissey Harbour by Kovia Consulting. This significant report looks at the options to defend the harbour from the sea and the effects of climate change. The report is a starting point that sets out the evidence …
You can now pay and pre-book parking!
You can now pay and pre-book parking on Mevagissey Harbour using the JUST PARK app. Quoting Site Code 52 66 20
Beautiful artistic structures have recently been displayed around the harbour, as shown in these photographs by Mathew Facey. Using 3D printer technology, they have all been made with plastics from Cornish recycled fish nets. Each unique piece reflects the creativity and construction technique of Michael Hunt and the Porthcurno Studios …
No Paddleboards, Kayaks, Jet Skis
Owing to the risk of death or severe injury, Mevagissey Harbour Trustees & Harbour Master, have decided that small personal watersport craft and large high powered fishing vessels is a dangerous combination. As a result the launching and operation of Paddleboards, Kayaks & Jet Skis within the confines of Mevagissey …
A warm welcome to Andrew Trevarton, who became the Mevagissey Harbour Master with effect from 1st February 2021. Andrew has been a fisherman all his life, until recently operating the trawler ‘Galatea’ out of Meva. Well known and respected in the village, he has also served as a Harbour Trustee …