Commercial Fishing
The majority of commercial moorings are allocated to registered fishing vessels, for both full and part time fishermen. There are a small number of mostly tourist related commercial vessels. The harbour remains very busy with around 60 registered vessels landing in excess of £2 million gross value per annum. There is a landing charge of 2.5% on gross value of fish landed. The port is now the second most important fishing port in Cornwall Newlyn being the first. As such and with the trend in boats getting bigger, full capacity is rapidly approaching; however fishing applications are given priority. Although the inner harbour dries the outer harbour allows access at all states of the tide and fishing vessels are normally allocated a free mooring allowing 24 hour working. The current fleet consists of trawlers. scallopers, ringnetters, gill netters, potters and hand liners, catching and landing a huge variety of species. As most of the boats are “day boats" they spend less than 24 hours at sea, so fish caught and landed are fresh and of prime quality. The largest boats that work from the harbour are 13 metres, and the smallest 5 metres, employing as many as 3 persons per boat or single-handed.
To qualify and be allocated a full time fishing mooring within the harbour the applicant must satisfy the criteria laid down by the Trustees, which includes a minimum gross landing value of
£10,000 per annum and to provide adequate storage for gear off the quays. They are also expected to become members of the West Quay Association. (Details under facilities).
Owners wishing to purchase replacement vessels or apply for a full time mooring must firstly obtain permission by application to the harbour oce, or use the online application form.
These are made welcome, however they will be expected to pay the landing dues on any fish landed, and will be charged for ice usage. If an extended stay is made then charges will be made for usage of all the fish quay facilities.